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近五年主讲课程,主持或参与教学研究项目、本科教学工程项目、获得教学奖励及教学成果奖等教学工作认真负责,教学任务包括英语专业基础英语、学科导论课、商务英语口语、2014年国培班系列讲座,2013-2016长江大学青年教师岗前培训专题讲座以及英语研究生学术交流英语、专门用途英语等。年教学工作量达到500学时以上,教学效果良好。荣获2013年度和2014年度长江大学教学质量优秀奖。主持省级、校级教研课题各一项:1. [2014B074] “政产学研”协同视阈下外语语言服务创新创业人才培养研究 [湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划课题] 主持人2. [JY2014004] “政产学”协同机制下商务英语创新创业人才培养模式的研究与实践 [校级重点教学研究项目] 主持人获奖情况如下:1. 2015年度长江大学“标兵班主任”2. 指导教师 2014年全国大学生英语竞赛A类一等奖 皮亚3. 指导教师 2014年全国大学生英语竞赛B类一等奖 周娜  科研情况简介近五年发表论文、主持参与科研项目,获得科研奖励等


一、论文1. Zeng Yajun*, Goh Christine. Learners’ Level of Metacognitive Awareness and Its Relationship with Listening Performance, ICALT2015:  proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, HuaLien, Taiwan July. 6-10, 2015 [C]. Washington: Conference Publishing Services. [EI检索]2. Zeng Yajun. Investigating the Effects of Metacognitive Instruction on Chinese EFL Learners’ Listening Performance [J]. International Journal of Innovation in English Language Teaching and Research, 2014, 3(2), 139-158. [国外期刊]3. Zeng Yajun, Goh Christine. How Learners’ Engagement in a Self-Regulated Learning Program Affected Their Listening Development Differently, ICALT2014: proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, Athens, Greece July. 7-9, 2014 [C]. Washington: Conference Publishing Services. [EI检索]4. Zeng Yajun, Zeng Yi. Learner Factors, Problems & Strategies in Listening: Focusing on Chinese EFL Learners in the Digital Era, IMME2014: proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information Management and Management Engineering, Singapore, Singapore, May. 1-2, 2014 [C]. Southampton: WIT Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]5. Zeng Yajun, Li Xiaoguang, & Gong Pin. Teaching L2 Listening: From Behaviourist’s Paradigm to Social-Cognitive Model, ITME2014: proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Engineering, Hong Kong, China, April. 26-27, 2014 [C]. Lancaster: DEStech Publications. [EI检索]6. Zeng Yajun, Li Xiaoguang, & Hou Yanfang. Top 10 listening problems of Chinese EFL learners, ICPESM2014: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Physical Education and Society Management, Sanya, China, Feb. 20-21, 2014 [C]. Singapore: Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute. [CPCI-SSH检索]7. 曾亚军,曾益,李泽娟. 传播视域中网络语言的碎片化及应对策略 编辑之友 2013.12 ISSN 1003-6687 CN 14-1066/G2. [CSSCI来源期刊、中文核心期刊]8. Zeng Yajun, Zeng Yi. Chinese EFL learners' metacognitive knowledge in listening: A survey study, ITME2013: proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education, Xining, China, July 19-21, 2013 [C]. Dordrecht: Springer. [CPCI-SSH检索]9. 曾亚军,祝军、曾益. 网络新闻图片在传播中的价值考量 编辑之友 2013.05 ISSN 1003-6687 CN 14-1066/G2. [CSSCI来源期刊、中文核心期刊]10. Zeng Yajun, Jiang Juan, & Chen Kaihua. Unpicking hortatory exposition appraisal strategy to negotiate attitudes in two editorials from leading newspapers in Canada and USA, ICMEER2012: proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management Engineering and Education Reform, Chongqing, China, December 29-30, 2012, Vol. 11, Pp. 96-101 [C]. Hong Kong: ERP Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]11. Zeng Yajun, Zeng Jing. Applying information processing theory in teaching listening for Chinese EFL learners, ICASS2013: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Social Science, Taipei, Taiwan, January 15-16, 2013 [C]. Delaware: IERI Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]12. Zeng Yajun, Zeng Yi, & Li Zejuan. Metacognitive awareness and Chinese EFL listening performance: A correlational study, ICSSE2012: proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Education, Xiamen, China, December 27-28, 2012, Vol. 9, Pp. 296-301 [C]. Delaware: IERI Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]13. Zeng Yajun, Li Zejuan. “English is here to control”: A lesson from educational practices in India, ICSSS2012: proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences and Society, San Diego, CA, USA, November 1-2, 2012, Vol. 7, Pp. 70-73 [C]. Delaware: IERI Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]14. Zeng Yajun, Zeng Yi. A discourse analysis approach in analyzing the introduction of peer-reviewed journal articles, ICSSS2012: proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences and Society, San Diego, CA, USA, November 1-2, 2012, Vol. 7, Pp. 66-69 [C]. Delaware: IERI Press. [CPCI-SSH检索]15. Zeng Yajun. Review of John Field's "Listening in the Language Classroom" Asian EFL Journal 2012.06 ISSN 1738-1460. [国外期刊]16. Zeng Yajun. Metacognition and self-regulated learning (SRL) for Chinese EFL listening development Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL) Quarterly. 2012.02 ISSN 1647-1080. [国外期刊]二、著作1. 曾亚军,郑厚尧(主编)实用大学英语语法新编 [M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2014.08.三、项目1. [2013csy002] 大学生自我调节学习能力结构方程模型(SEM)研究 [长江大学社科基金项目] 主持人2. [2013H0367-4] Key Technology Study for Drilling and Completion Enginnering-4 [中海油伊拉克项目横向课题] 主持人3

